
Don’t Forget About Yourself

You care about people, the environment, and the world at large. You want to make a positive difference whether it’s through mindful consumer choices, social entrepreneurship, activism, or simply by fostering more meaningful conversations with those around you. You are determined to play your part in creating a better world.

People like us often associate terms like “self-care” and “self-love” with selfishness. But let me assure you—that’s far from the truth. I learned this the hard way.

However, when you’re someone who cares deeply, it’s easy to get so wrapped up in trying to change the world and help others that you forget the most essential element in making a difference: yourself.

The Unsustainability of Neglecting Self-Love

To paint a clearer picture, let me share a bit about my own journey, one that I think you might resonate with:

Growing up, I believed everything was my responsibility from ensuring my family’s well-being to tackling global issues like hunger. Yes, it sounds irrational, but life circumstances shaped these beliefs early on, and they only solidified as I got older. I’m also an empath, which means I absorb other people’s emotions, and I often found myself weighed down by the problems of the world. Like you, I was driven by my passion to not only help my loved ones but also address significant global challenges. I dedicated all my energy and time to causes and people in need, rarely saying no, and constantly stressing about how I could do more.

Over time, this took a toll on my body and mind. I began experiencing frequent headaches, insomnia, digestive issues, overwhelming stress, anxiety, fatigue, and eventually chronic pain all by the time I was 25!

Relationships and everyday challenges became harder to navigate, and I started to realize that in trying to “save the world,” I was neglecting the most important person myself.

“I couldn’t truly make a positive impact on the world or help others if I wasn’t healthy and happy myself.”

The physical manifestation of stress and burnout was a wake-up call. It finally dawned on me: to make a genuine, lasting difference in the world, I needed to first take care of myself. You simply can’t sustain change if you’re running on empty. It was a tough realization, but ignoring my well-being was counterproductive to the impact I wanted to create.

Sounds straightforward, right? But for those of us who are change makers, it’s not always easy to put into practice. This is why it’s crucial to dive deeper into the concept of self-care.

Beyond SelfCare Sundays

Self-love is much more than taking an occasional break for a bath or a spa day (though those are great!). For many of us, we need to be cautious of believing that short-term relaxation will prevent burnout. It’s akin to taking a painkiller for a headache while ignoring the underlying issue. The relief is temporary if the root cause isn’t addressed.

The bigger question is: How did I end up here in the first place?

True burnout is rarely straightforward. There’s always a deeper reason why we push ourselves so far. Maybe you, like me, have a subconscious belief that you’re responsible for saving the world. Maybe you feel guilty for your privilege, or perhaps someone in your life instilled the idea that you’re meant to carry the weight of others’ problems.

These beliefs, when mixed with good intentions and passion, can become harmful if we’re not careful.

You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup

Self-love is more than indulging in self-care rituals; it’s a mindset, a way of viewing yourself and the world. It’s about accepting that while you have the power to create change, you can only give what you have. You can’t pour from an empty cup. And the responsibility for ensuring that cup is full of love, patience, and grace rests squarely on your shoulders.

You’re not responsible for saving anyone or single-handedly solving the world’s problems. What you are responsible for is taking care of yourself and allowing that love, energy, and inspiration to overflow to others. That’s how you truly create impact.


It’s time to shed the guilt and misconceptions around self-love. Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish—it’s the foundation for making a real difference. You deserve to thrive while helping others, and the world needs you to show up fully, not burned out and depleted. By prioritizing your well-being, you’re not only ensuring your own happiness but also amplifying your ability to contribute meaningfully to the world around you.

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